Detoxing is About More Than Taking Herbs!

Great Herbal Holiday Season!

Dr. HerbSistah here...

We have just what you need for your upcoming 1st of the 2020 Detox!

The 66 Day True Detox LifeStyle Challenge!

Yes, when you do a 30 Day Detox,  you are just getting started.  I get more questions after the 30 days than the first days, because your body is so happy to release the toxins, so you feel lighter, have better BM's, sleep better and your skin glows!

So you are ready and seeing the results of removing toxins sitting in your muscles, organs and skin.

The next 30 days are when the emotional detox starts to develop and because this is a Journey with a Wise Woman Guide, Dr. HerbSistah, this is the time to impress the best ideas that you will allow to surface from your increased energy!

Join us for a guided Detox, with Naturopath & Master Formulator, Dr. HerbSistah!

More details on what you will experience weekly on that Herbal Page!

We also have a dedicated 66 Day True Womb Detox LifeStyle Challenge which encompasses an entirely separate set of issues that we will address and 3 to 4  and Live Calls!

I'm excited to be on this Journey with you and we will Journal and advance ourselves into 2020 with freedom, love, fun and energy!


Dr. HerbSistah

P.S. Can you forward this to friends and family that you know need a change!


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