Sistahs-Cycles & Seasons Within The Flow.....

4 weeks outside on your Porch or Patio, vibing with Nature and understanding how you connect with it.

How your own personal "Seasons" affect your Life and when you know that you can Change how your Life proceeds...

You can enjoy your Life more, because you can see How to work it.

Take this class -Live on the following dates and vibe with Sistahs growing and expanding just as you are...Payment plans available...

1. July 20

2.  July 27

3.  August 3

4.  August 10

Moon Cycles of Life- Testimonial

"This class was an advancement for me, it gave me great direction."

"I really enjoyed the Moon Cycles of Life Class.

I especially enjoyed sitting outside on my porch, with a small group of

women on the phone, learning and sharing information about the moon and our own personal experiences.

I have incorporated the solar cycle in my life for many years.

I celebrate the solstices and equinox with my family.

This class enriched my life by helping me to be more in tune with the smaller, monthly cycles of the moon.

Information presented in the class helped reinforce concepts that I had been aware of but had not taken the time to really think about how I had been negatively affected by ignoring them.

We live in an age of artificial lights and climate and so we quickly can lose

touch with certain aspects of the seasons and nature.

This class helped me bring back and give more importance to certain concepts I valued, but had let slide out of

importance since I intuitively valued them, but didn’t have a reason I could articulate, to preserve them.

Working with the cycles of the moon, also helped me to slow down and pace myself.

It gave me permission to have “down” time to rest, rejuvenate and allowed me to have a time of introspection and planning.

I have always been interested gardening and have wanted to use the almanac but couldn’t really figure out the best way to use it.

Now I understand the almanac much better and can use it in more productive ways for my garden as well as myself.

Knowing that there is an optimum time to do certain garden tasks also helps me pace myself and separate tasks, preventing me from doing too much at once.

I can relax and wait for the best time for certain garden tasks so that my results will be better and my efforts will be not be wasted.

I’ve also used the almanac and moon phase to help me to decide when to do other, non-gardening activities.

For example, I recently used the almanac to decide when to go camping and this resulted in a great trip, near the full moon where we could really appreciate the nature around us at night, especially since we slept outside in a tent and walked on the beach at night.

We camped at a State Park and so there was no commercial development or housing on the beach.

Walking on a natural beach with no manmade lights, only the light of an almost full moon and the stars above was a unique and memorable experience.

It helped connect me to that “older” part of us that needs to be in tune with nature in order to be happy and thrive.

Nighttime and the moon are often forgotten in the modern rush of our society.

I’m thankful you reminded me to pay more attention to it.

M. N -Atlanta

                 (Based on our popular, class, "The Moon Cycles of Life")


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