Great Blood Pressure Movement-"How's Your Blood Pressure?" Info on Our New Initiative!
Great Blood Pressure Movement-"How's Your Blood Pressure?" Info on Our New Initiative!

Great Blood Pressure Movement-"How's Your Blood Pressure?" Info on Our New Initiative!

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The Great Blood Pressure Movement is an empowering system of:

1.  Good Food

2.  Effective Herbs

3.  Simple Exercises

4. Daily Monitoring & Logging Your Blood Pressure!

Recipes, Info, Knowledge...


Chart provided by


Systolic (upper #)

Measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats

Diastolic (lower #)

Measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.




120 or less

80 or less




120 – 129

80 or less


High Blood Pressure

Stage 1


130 – 139

80 - 89


High Blood Pressure

Stage 2


140 or Higher

90 or higher


Hypertensive Crisis


180 or higher

120 or higher

Hospital Now!


Blood Pressure Facts

2020 American Heart Association

Heart Blood Pressure is known as the "Silent Killer" and affects approximately all US adults..

-High Blood Pressure is defined as 140/80.

-1 in 3 Adults have High Blood Pressure.

-Having High Blood Pressure puts you at risk for heart disease, heart attack and stroke the leading causes of death in the US.  also can cause eye & kidney damage.

Systolic top #  Measures pressure in arteries

Diastolic bottom # Measures pressure during heart rests between beats.

Your Food is your Healing!!!