The Detox is also known as the "Hallelujah Movement"...because you will feel like running, jumping, dancing and saying, "Hallelujah!". When you haven’t had regular bowel movements. It can be caused by a number of things. You could have been eating things you and your family are allergic to for generations. Your body will react to allergens by seizing up your bowels.
Have you been feeling: Low energy, bad attitudes, bad breath, skin issues, foggy thinking, stomach distention, bloating, low sex drive, NO sex, poor circulation to the sexual organs? Then the Hallelujah Full Body Detox is for you!
This program is a deep cleansing. We will move out old waste and blockages; stuff that has been trapped for longs periods of .It's time to open yourself up to change! ;-)
This Hallelujah Full Body Detox has several steps, beginning with the Sarsparilla Full Body Detox.
1. Sarsaparilla Full Body Detox
This tonic cleans the blood and bloodstream. The Sarsaparilla Full Body Detox will begin by neutralizing gas, odors and eliminating bloating.
~stimulates proper function of the organs-Kidneys, Colon, Spleen,
~Moves out excess mucus
~Moves out Gas
~Stimulates bowel movements
~Helps one to rest better at nite
-32oz Sarsaparilla Full Body Detox Tonic
-Herbal Phenomenon 100 veggie caps
-Digestive Enzymes 100 veggie caps
-Probiotics 100 veggie caps
-Herbal Detox Soap
-Ultimo 44 Anti-oxidant/Herbal Mineral Blend 100 veggie Caps